Hydrogen Fuel Cell Research Paper Free Essays - PhDessay.com.

Hydrogen fuel cells are an emerging technology that could be the next mass produced energy source of the future. The application of hydrogen as a fuel source can be used to power cars, homes, and even cell phones. Hydrogen is the most abundant molecule in the universe. The most profound use for hydrogen fuel cells will be for vehicles.

Free alternative fuel Essays and Papers.

Alternative fuels can either be renewable or nonrenewable too. This is often confused since alternative fuels replace the conventional fuels which are nonrenewable in nature. Some examples of alternative fuels are wind power, hydropower, solar power, nuclear power, fuel cells, and biofuels.Hydrogen fuel cells to power vehicles are desirable, experts say, because hydrogen is a renewable fuel that can be used to create electricity to run cars. A chemical reaction between oxygen and hydrogen produces the electric power, and when pure hydrogen is used, the only emission from the tailpipe is harmless water vapor.Hydrogen can be used instead of petrol and diesel in future with the help of research and development in technology. It is possible to manufacture the fuel from numerous sources, some of which can be considered renewable, and its clean burning properties make it a desirable alternative fuel. Hydrogen-Introduction Hydrogen (H) is the simplest.

Hydrogen as an Alternative Fuel - Hydrogen as an Alternative Fuel What is Hydrogen. The simplest and lightest fuel is hydrogen gas (H2). Hydrogen is in a gaseous state at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperatures. Hydrogen is being explored for use in combustion engines and fuel cell electric vehicles.I will explain alternative sources for fuel or energy for vehicles that are already in use or that have been proposed. With each source I will discuss the pros and then the cons of it.. The first alternative fuel source I will discuss is Biodiesel. Biodiesel a clean burning alternative fuel, produced from domestic, renewable resources.

Hydrogen Alternative Fuel Essay

Also, hydrogen in normal temperature is gas and to be used as fuel it should be squeezed in high pressures so it is somewhat difficult to contain. Fuel cell cars are definitely a technology to watch for. It has the potential to minimize the use of energy while reducing harmful emissions at the same time.

Hydrogen Alternative Fuel Essay

Alternative fuels such as methanol, ethanol and biodiesel have numerous advantages and disadvantages regarding environmental and societal impacts. The replacement of fossil fuels with alternative fuels could result in a decrease of CO2 emissions, decrease air pollution and reduce acid rain (Evans, 2007).

Hydrogen Alternative Fuel Essay

In all fuel cells there are two electrodes, an anode and a cathode, with an electrolyte, a membrane capable of moving ions, in between the two (Sorenson 73). During their operation, hydrogen fuel is injected into the anode side, while oxygen, usually from the air.

Hydrogen Alternative Fuel Essay

There are claims that the production and distribution of ethanol as an alternative motor vehicle fuel source will in fact increase greenhouse gas emissions over those generated by conventional fuels. Large areas of agricultural land would need to be used to grow suitable crops, leading to soil erosion, deforestation fertiliser run off and salinity.

Hydrogen Alternative Fuel Essay

That is where hydrogen fuel cells come into the picture. Rather than depending on a foreign countries oil, to provide fuel, businesses today should look to hydrogen as an alternative fuel source. (tags: Hydrogen Cars Environmental Automobiles Essays) Term Papers 694 words (2 pages).

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Hydrogen Alternative Fuel Essay

However, elemental hydrogen is not naturally occurring and must be produced from H-containing compounds such as methane. It is being used increasingly as a fuel source for fuel-cell vehicles. Propane: This small, unbranched hydrocarbon, which exists in liquid form at room temperature.

Hydrogen Alternative Fuel Essay

With respect to the annual production of hydrogen fuel, transportation of hydrogen to the refueling stations is a major challenge, but with the recent comprehensive research by NREI, transporting energy to the stations is made possible by the mixture of both hydrogen and natural gas in the natural gas pipelines, and this comes with a low mixing rates of 3% to 5%.

Hydrogen Alternative Fuel Essay

Reaction of hydrogen with oxygen generates a lot of energy and it does not have any negative output, only water. But, the respectable power hidden in water is known for more than 200 hundred years and as long scientists are trying to find a way to extract this energy, rather how to split the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

Hydrogen Alternative Fuel Essay

Some well-known alternative fuels include bio-diesel, bio-alcohol ( methanol, ethanol, butane ), refuse-derived fuel, chemically stored electricity (batteries and fuel cells ), hydrogen, non-fossil methane, non-fossil natural gas, vegetable oil, propane and other biomass sources.

Hydrogen Alternative Fuel Essay

Hydrogen Powered Vehicles Persuasive Essay. That is where hydrogen fuel cells come into the picture. Rather than depending on a foreign countries oil, to provide fuel, businesses today should look to hydrogen as an alternative fuel source.

Hydrogen as an Alternative Fuel - Term Paper.

Hydrogen Alternative Fuel Essay

Alternative fuels, also known as non- renewable sources, are substances that can be used as fuels, other than conventional fuels.Conventional fuels include: fossil fuels (petroleum (oil), coal, propane, and natural gas), and nuclear materials such as uranium. ( 1) The fuels we use now are finite, meaning they have a limited life expectancy. This along with the toxic waste they produce has made.

Hydrogen Alternative Fuel Essay

Hydrogen As An Alternative Fuel For Internal Combustion Engines. Filed Under: Essays. 2 pages, 984 words. Hard to believe that the simplest atom in the universe is used in the making of the most destructive weapon known to man isnt it? Well so is the fact that it will soon (we hope) become the replacement for petroleum-based fuels, and just.

Hydrogen Alternative Fuel Essay

This research proposal is written for proposing further research on the suitable and economically sustainable alternative fuel for cars.This study was taken as need of hour to reduce the cost towards oil imports and control pollution, which if not controlled now, will lead to worst Global Warming.Basically this proposal is based on the current and projected car population.

Hydrogen Alternative Fuel Essay

Hydrogen Powered Vehicles Persuasive Essay. 709 Words 3. but I for one don't like being dependent on foreign oil. That is where hydrogen fuel cells come into the picture. Rather than depending on a foreign countries oil, to provide fuel, businesses today should look to hydrogen as an alternative fuel source. The United States is too.

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